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Shomrei Torah Mission Statement

Congregation Shomrei Torah is a Modern Orthodox synagogue that strives to create an environment that combines love for Hashem, Torah and Am Yisrael, commitment to halacha and mitzvot, and respect for our fellow human beings.

As a shul we are committed to engaging our community with a holistic and dynamic religious experience.  We aim to provide social, educational, and spiritual programming that is both meaningful and enjoyable. We are devoted to affording our kehilla with Shabbat, holiday, and daily minyanim that are dedicated and uplifting. We believe that the shul has a role to play in engendering and cultivating Jewish values, ideals, and practices in our congregation’s youth and to be a spiritual home to each one of the children of our community.

We cherish our love and support for our fellow Jews through our openness and warmth, as well as our commitment to Tzedaka and Chesed. We welcome Jews at every level of observance to our community. Our goal is to always be an inclusive house of worship where all Jews will find a spiritual home, friendship, amity, and inclusion.

We believe in the ideals of Torah u’Maddah and live in both the religious and the secular worlds. We strive to engage with society with our commitment to Torahhalacha, and religious tradition guiding our behavior and shaping our perspective. In this way, we hope to fulfill our national mission to serve God and be a light onto the nations. We feel an unbreakable bond with the State of Israel, raishit z’michat ge’ulataynu, the beginning of our redemption, and with its citizens.

Sat, February 8 2025 10 Shevat 5785